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Search for product, click on your choice product, adjust quantity and add to cart, choose payment option and  click the buy now button

Click on contact at the top right corner of your page to make use of the options available. You can also tap on the live chat icon at the bottom right corner of the page to talk with our customer support team or reach us via any of our social media platforms

Yes, First Medtrade has a 7-days return policy in which damaged products are returned for replacement or refund. However, customers are advised to carefully inspect products on delivery to ensure all requirements are met.

Simply go to, fill the form (make sure to choose a secure password), click the "Create Account" Button. A verification code will be sent to your email; get it from your inbox and enter into the verification form to complete your sign up.

Payment to Vendors is only through First MedTrade's dedicated payment gateway (in partnership with Paystack). Payment made by Customer is deposited via FMT Escrow Channel until the goods ordered by Customer arrive at FMT Trade services department. Payment is made to the Vendor at Product confirmation between FMT and Customer. We accept both online and offline transactions.

Simply go to, fill out the form (make sure to choose a secure password), and click the "Create Account" Button. A verification code will be sent to your email; get it from your inbox and enter it into the verification form to complete your sign-up.

First medtrade is a medical online marketplace where vendor-customer interactions take place. We promote direct access to product origin, quality, pricing, with relevant certifications from NAFDAC, FDA, and other regulatory authentication.<br><span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align); display: inline !important;"><br>We connect your business and products to homes, offices, healthcare facilities, and other institutions in both rural and urban communities in search of affordability and quality.<br></span><span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align); display: inline !important;"><br>With our customized online store, pharmacy outlets, hospitals, clinics, and NGOs can negotiate and purchase products directly from the main source. We maintain trust, quality, and last mile delivery through our trade service channel.<br></span><span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align); display: inline !important;"><br>With First MedTrade, you can:</span><div>- Become a seller and customize your online presence<br><span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align); display: inline !important;">- Get connected easily to vendors/customers in urban and rural communities, understand their needs, and trade via mobile, web, or social media platforms.<br></span><span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align); display: inline !important;">- Manage pricing, products, payment, inventory and shipping through FMT trade service channels.</span></div><div><br></div>

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